Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The best way to connect with your family no matter where they are.

A family website is better than email for sharing photos and telling stories – you no longer have big attachments that clog up your inbox, and everything is saved online for posterity. You and your members can contribute news and comments, see what's new and your site helps you remember family events and important dates. Easily see who has recently visited to know when members have seen your updates.Stories allow you to turn online photo albums or any other collection of photos from your site library into an audio slideshow, using your own voice, a phone and our toll-free phone number. Many of our members record stories of a lifetime (literally); recounting events growing up using those old scanned prints. Others use it to tell about a recent birthday or wedding celebration. Your voice (or your grandma's) can bring back the memories unlike any simple photo slideshow, capturing something you'll really treasure.So why wait let's move to any.com you name it we have it.
Your site’s ‘News’ area is the best way to communicate with your family & keep everyone up to date on your current events. Comment on photos or stories and engage in threaded conversations throughout the site. You can even use our toll free phone number to leave family voice messages on the site, no matter where you are; from the soccer field, in the car or from the zoo. Daily or weekly email notifications will keep you and your family members in the know and inform them that there is new activity on the site.

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