Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wajah ini amat terkenal masa terkini.Orangnya amat tertib didalam adab berpakaian.Tambah pula yang paling penting taat kepada dua ibubapa.Ini adalah contoh terbaik bagi artis yang memelihara maruah bangsanya.Inilah dia Siti Nurhaliza yang pandai menjaga imej dirinya.For those outside from Malaysia this woman can be categorised as a good woman.She are well behave and able to manage herself very well.She has projected her image throughout Malaysia with best behaviour compare to other artist.She is known as Siti Nurhaliza.If you need more info about her just type her name in google search..Penglipurlara harap ada lagi ramai artis sebegini.... Posted by Picasa

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